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natural target中文是什么意思

用"natural target"造句"natural target"怎么读"natural target" in a sentence


  • 自然目标


  • After all , it seems the natural target of a
  • That seems like a natural target for a more detailed performance trace
  • But its most natural target is in automation of system scripting and text processing tasks
  • This culture system proides a breakthrough in studying hc replication in nontransformed hepatocytes , the natural target of the irus
  • It presented a natural target because aromatase converts testosterone into estradiol , a potent form of estrogen also used in hormone replacement therapy
  • The purpose of this theme is to classify sar images into four regions : man - made targets ( vehicles and buildings ) , natural targets ( trees and shrubbery ) , background ( field and grass ) and shadow ( the target shadow and mirror scatter ) . on the one hand , the processed results can be directly used as image product , which offer necessary parameters for expert ' s interpretation to build up an independent auxiliary interpreting system . on the other hand , the results can be introduced into sar image interpreting system as the replacing target detection and discrimination models with layer rois ( region of interest ) in order to provide potential target chips
    具体内容为:根据sar图像基本特性,提取可靠特征,将图像区分为人造目标(机动车辆、建筑物等) 、自然目标(树木、灌木、树林等) 、背景(草地、平地、植被等)和阴影(目标阴影、镜面散射体等)四种类别,为不同的应用提供对应的感兴趣区域( roi ) 。
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